PEB supports visiting faculty to present their research in biological, physical and engineering sciences and meet with students, post-docs and faculty at Yale. Such events provide a great opportunity for Yale researchers to be exposed to new ideas or approaches and to network with other scientists. Additionally, PEB students have the opportunity to invite and host a speaker of their choice. Nominations for student-invited speakers will occur each August. If you are interested in inviting a visiting faculty member or supporting an event at Yale, please send us an e-mail:
Distinguished Seminar Series

PEB student Charles Lomba (Physics) introducing Dr. Linda Hirst (UC Merced) during the PEB Distinguished Seminar Series February 2024.
Past Seminar Speakers:
Date | Speaker | Title |
August 1, 2024 | Prof. Ingmar Ridel-Kruse | “Synthetic cell-cell adhesins and 4-bit logic for programming multicellular bacterial patterns and materials” |
May 3, 2024 | Dr. Jason Kim* (Student Host: Annie Xia) | “Capturing the geometry of data by controlling the curvature of deep generative networks: A manifold of human gene expression” |
Feb. 16, 2024 | Prof. Linda Hirst* (Student Host: Charles Lomba) | “Controlling chaos in active biological fluids” |
September 8, 2023 | Prof. Claudia Fischbach | “Extracellular matrix – a mechanical regulator of cancer” |
Feb. 26, 2020 | Prof. Amy Maddox | Contractile oscillations help reveal mechanisms of cytoskeletal remodeling in cytokinesis |
Dec. 3, 2019 | Prof. Xavier Trepat | Mechanobiology of epithelial migration, growth and folding |
Nov. 20, 2019 | Prof. G.W. Gant Luxton | Building bridges across the nuclear envelope |
Aug. 9, 2019 | Prof. Bruce Goode | Actin machines and cytoskeletal intersections |
Jun. 24, 2019 | Prof. Jack Wei Chen | Mechano-regulation of T-cell receptor’s antigen recognition |
Mar. 11, 2019 | Prof. Francoise Brochard-Wyart | Cellular aggregates and microparticles: Spontaneous migration, eating, dancing |
Dec. 11, 2018 | Prof. Pieter Rein ten Wolde | The robust ticking of a circadian clock |
Nov. 30, 2018 | Prof. Rommie Amaro | Multiscale dynamics: Molecules to cells |
Apr. 30, 2018 | Prof. Kunihiko Kaneko | Universal law in adaptation and evolution: Genetic assimilation, fluctuation-response relationship and dimension reduction |
Mar. 29, 2018 | Prof. Sam Walcott | Using molecular mechanics to predict large-scale biological function: Applications to muscle activation and intracellular transport |
Mar. 23, 2018 | Prof.Gaspar Tkacik | Intrinsic limits to gene regulation by global crosstalk |
Nov. 9, 2017 | Prof. Hernan Garcia | How, when and where in pattern formation: Spying on embryonic development one molecule at a time |
May 11, 2017 | Prof. Debashish Chowdhury | Intra Flagellar Transport Trains: Effects of fission and fusion of cargo |
April 25, 2017 | Dr. Yuhai Tu | The energy cost of information processing in living systems |
April 4, 2017 | Prof. Madhav Mani | On the mechanisms of morphogenesis: Two Drosophila case studies |
Feb. 22, 2017 | Prof. Tiajana Grove | Protein engineering for multifunctional materials |
Dec. 13, 2016 | Prof. Meredith Betterton | Physical Determinants of Bipolar Mitotic Spindle Assembly and Stability in Fission Yeast |
Nov. 2, 2016 | Prof. Roman Jerala | Design of Molecular Origami Structures and Folding Pathways |
Nov. 1, 2016 | Prof. Alipasha Vaziri | Optical Tools for Unraveling Whole-brain Neuronal Circuit Dynamics Underlying Behavior |
Sept. 19, 2016 | Prof. Reiko Kuroda | The Genetics of Chirality in Snails |
Aug. 31, 2016 | Prof. Aitziber Cortajarena | Engineering Protein Scaffolds for Hybrid Functional Materials and Sensors |
May 3, 2016 | Prof. Taeyoon Kim | Reconstructing the Mechanical Behaviors of Cells in Silico |
Apr. 19, 2016 | Prof. Gerard Wong | Surface Sensing, Motility, Motility Appendages, and Hydrodynamics in Early Bacterial Biofilms |
Apr. 5, 2016 | Prof. Alison Sweeney | Living Photonic Devices: Protein-Based Self-Assembly of Optical Materials in Mollusks |
Mar. 8, 2016 | Prof. Martin Lenz | Disordered Actomyosin Contracts in Unexpected Ways |
Feb. 25, 2016 | Dr. Sebastian Fürthauer | Flows and Pattern Formation in the Phase Coherent State of Oriented Active Matter |
Jan. 19, 2016 | Prof. Jun Allard | Mechanical modulation of receptor-ligand bonds at cell-cell interfaces |
Nov. 19, 2015 | Prof. Mary Munson | How to speak to donors about your rresearch AND Molecular architecture and function of the exocyst complex in vesicle trafficking (latter, an MB&B informal seminar) |
Nov. 17, 2015 | Prof. Ken Dill | How proteins fold, how they don’t, and how to do it in a computer |
Nov. 2, 2015 | Prof. Terry Hwa |
Quantitative biology: Frontier at the interface of the physical and life sciences *co-sponsored by the Department of Physics and the Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics |
Oct. 15, 2015 | Prof. Oleg Kirchevsky | Reaction-Diffusion Kinetics in the System of Immune Cells |
May 1, 2015 | Prof. Nicolas Buchler | Redox Rythms Couple to the Plant Circadian Clock and the Yeast Cell Cycle |
Apr. 24, 2015 | Prof. Ewa Paluch | Actin, Cell Surface Mechanics and Cellular Morphogenesis |
Apr. 15, 2015 | Prof. Dan Bolon | Investigating Molecular and Evolutionary Mechanisms Through Protein Fitness Landscapes |
Apr. 9, 2015 | Prof. Jané Kondev | Chromosome Folding: From Shape to Function |
Apr. 7, 2015 | Prof. Arne Gennerich | Control of Cytoplasmic Dynein Force Production and Processivity by its C-Terminal Domain |
Mar. 24, 2015 | Prof. Suckjoon Jun | Cell Size Control and Homeostasis of Individual Cells |
Jan. 16, 2015 | Prof. Simon Scheuring | High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy: Watching Dynamic Processes at the Membrane at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution *co-sponsored by Cell Biology |
Dec. 12, 2014 | Prof. Jun Zhang | Motion Sensors, Orientation Sensors, and Object Segregation |
Dec. 11, 2014 | Prof. Michael Poirier | Functions of Nucleosome Dynamics |
Nov. 13, 2014 | Prof. Zev Bryant | Measurement and Control of Biomolecular Motors |
Nov. 7, 2014 | Prof. Ralf Jungmann | Approaching the Limit: Multiplexed Super-Resolution Microscopy with DNA-PAINT and Exchange-PAINT |
Oct. 10, 2014 | Physical Concepts in Biology Symposium | Co-sponsored by the center, the Provost’s Office and the Department of Physics. Click here to find out more. |
Oct. 9, 2014 | Prof. Arpita Upadhyaya | Forcing it on: The Dynamics of Signaling Activation in Immune Cells |
Aug. 1, 2014 | Dr. Fiona Whelan | Biophysical and Single-Molecule Analysis of Rod-Like Repeat E-G5 from S. aureus Sas G |
Jul. 31, 2014 | Prof. Jennifer Potts | Repetitive and Disordered Proteins in Gram-Positive Infections |
Jul. 9, 2014 | Prof. Bodhana Discher | Designs and Engineering of Transmembrane Redox-Active Proteins |
Apr. 24, 2014 | Prof. Robert Jernigan | Extracting Dynamics from Multiple Protein Structures |
Apr. 22, 2014 | Prof. David Smith | Sculpting Functional DNA Scaffolds for Nanoscale Molecular Templating |
Apr. 18, 2014 | Prof. Johan Elf | Probing Transcription Regulation at the Level of Individual Molecules |
Apr. 15, 2014 | Dr. Graham Johnson, PhD, CMI | cellPACK: A Virtual Mesoscope to Model and Visualize Structural Systems Biology |
Apr. 3, 2014 | Prof. Yann Chemla | Direct Observation of Structure-Function Relationship in DNA Repair Helicases |
Mar. 4, 2014 | Prof. David Hu | Self-Healing of Fire Ant Rafts: A Novel Ant-Elastic Material |
Feb. 24, 2014 | Dr. Timothy Craggs | Single-Molecule FRET for Dynamic Structural Biology: Structure and Mechanism of DNA Polymeras I |
Jan. 30, 2014 | Prof. Anne Gershenson | Achieving a Metastable Native State: Serpin Folding In Vitro and in Cells |
Jan. 14, 2014 | Prof. Thomas Baldwin | Whose Responsibility Is It? The Need for Scientists to Talk About Science with Non-Scientists *co-sponsored by the Genomics and Proteomics training grant and the Scientific Teaching Center |
Nov. 19, 2013 | Prof. Jennifer Ross | Condensed Matter States of Biology: Building a Cell |
Nov. 5, 2013 | Prof. Francoise Brochard-Wyart | Spreading and Motility of Cellular Aggregates - “Wetting of Living Drops |
Apr. 30, 2013 | Profs. Jane and David Richardson | Admiring, Analyzing, and Healing the PDB’s Macromolecules |
Apr. 3, 2013 | Prof. Xiaowei Zhuang* | Bioimaging at the Nanoscale: Single-Molecule and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy |
Jan. 17, 2013 | Prof. Dennis Discher | A Nuclear Mechanostat that Couples Microenvironment Rigidity to Cell Lineage |
Nov. 30, 2012 | Prof. Tim Liedl | Tailoring Light with DNA Origami |
Oct. 9, 2012 | Prof. Jennifer Lewis | Printing Biomimetic Materials |
Jul. 10, 2012 | PEB Symposium | |
May 2, 2012 | Prof. Michael Levitt | Solving the Recalcitrant Crystal Structure of Group II Chaperonin TRiC/CCT by Mass Spectrometry and Sentinel Correlation Analysis |
Feb. 28, 2012 | Dr. Leila Deriva | Biophysical Properties of Self Assembling Protein Networks |
Nov. 30, 2011 | Prof. Roland Dunbrack | Statistical Analysis of Protein Structures: Backbone conformations, side-chain rotamers and protein-protein interfaces |
May 12, 2011 | Dr. Jeff Forbes | Intrinsic Disorder & Protein Nanomechanics |
Apr. 28, 2011 | Prof. Julie Theriot | Mechanics and Dynamics of Cell Motility |
Nov. 19, 2010 | PEB Retreat | |
Jan. 20, 2010 | Prof. Rohit Pappu | Effects of Sequence Context and Chain Length on Aggregation of Polyglutamine |
Oct. 19, 2009 | Inaugural Symposium |
Student-Invited Speakers indicated by *