Conference Travel

PEB Conference Travel Fund

PEB students may request up to $1,500 per year (July 1 – June 30) towards attending a conference. 

To request these funds, please have your PI send a brief e-mail to supporting your application, and fill out and e-mail the application form to by one of the following deadlines: July 15, November 15, or March 15. Applications received after the deadline will be reviewed for the following travel application deadline. PEB leadership will notify you about the amount of funding that will be provided a week after each deadline.

Note: The amount of travel funding distributed each deadline will be dependent on availability of funds and number of applications received. Priority will be given to students presenting posters or talks, and to senior students presenting their dissertation research. If we were unable to provide funding, your future applications will have priority. 

International Physics of Living Systems (iPoLS) Annual Meeting

NSF’s international Physics of Living Systems (iPoLS) program funds networking activities among graduate students and educators working on the physics of living systems. This trans-institutional student research network (SRN) includes a variety of activities to encrouage regular interactions between students and faculty at participating institutions. For more information or to access the PoLS “intranet”, send e-mails to participants or contribute to the PoLS blog, visit

The iPoLS SRN includes or will include the following activities:

  • Annual meetings
  • Luncheons at conferences network participants attend
  • Video meetings or presentations
  • iPoLS student research exchange visits

Over the years, the PoLS SRN has become international in scope, thus being called iPoLS SRN, the “i” standing for “international.”

Annual meetings typically take place in July at an institution that is part of the network. Students and faculty from interdisciplinary programs at participating instructions attend. This provides a great setting to meet others who are conducting research at the interface of physics and biology.

PEB students may apply to attend the iPoLS SRN annual meeting and present posters on their thesis research via a poster or short talk. Ensure you are on the “PEB students” listserv to receive an email when the application opens. This mode of funding is separate from the PEB Conference Travel Fund so do not submit an application to attend iPoLS via the PEB Conference Travel Fund application. 

The Yale iPoLS node is supported by NSF Award 2012406 (PI: Simon Mochrie)