2015 REU: Research Training in the Biomedical Sciences and Engineering

Fellow Fellow’s Institution Research Mentor Project Title
Izabella Berman Beloit College Prof. Simon Mochrie Visualizing Proteins in Living Cells: A Modified Epifluorescence Setup for Improved Imaging Parameters
David Buch West Virginia University Prof. Corey O’Hern Evaluating a Simplified Approach to Protein Modeling Using Rotamer Recovery Tests and the Rosetta Software Suite
Anny Cunha Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Stuart Campbell Age Associated Reductions in the beta-Adrenergic Response of Cardiomyocytes
Bradley DeMarco Quinnipiac University Prof. Andrew Miranker Synthesis and Identification of Ionic Foldamers for Macromolecular Delivery
Sydney Muchnik Illinois Wesleyan University Prof. Kathryn Miller-Jensen A New Technique for Imaging Real-Time Cytokine Secretion
Jack Olmstead Baylor University Prof. Alex Kwan Connectivity of Premotor Area 2 Suggests Role in Reinforcement Learning
Crystal Sarnor Chowan University Prof. Megan King The Effect of Inner Nuclear Membrane Proteins on Copy Number Variation

Tho Tran Yale University Prof. Scott Holley Biochemically Characterizing Tissue Self-Assembly of the Musculoskeletal Axis

Stephanie Warnken Colgate College Prof. Julien Berro Pil1 Reorganization in Response to Osmotic and Tension Stresses