Headshot of Nikhil Malvankar

Nikhil Malvankar

Associate Professor; Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry
Research Interests: We are developing electronic Imaging & Control of Microbial Functions, by studying how environmentally and clinically important microbes build & use hair-like “nanowires” to export electrons outside their cell body, during respiration, communication, and pathogenesis and by tuning nanowire conductivity using light, pressure, temperature, electromagnetic fields, and non-natural ‘click’ chemistry.

PEB Students

  • Dr. Peter Dahl

    Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (Malvankar lab)
    Thesis title: “Toward Understanding the Mechanism of Charge Transport in Protein Nanowires”
  • Dr. J. Patrick O'Brien

    Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (Malvankar lab)
    Thesis Title: “A Tale of Two Nanowires: The Biochemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of the Conductive Cytochrome OmcS and OmcZ Filaments of Geobacter Sulfurreducens”
  • Dr. Catharine Shipps

    Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (Malvankar lab)
    Thesis title: “Electrons on the Move in Proteins: Microbial Cytochrome Nanowires in Extracellular Electron Transfer and as Functional Materials”