Headshot of Rong Fan

Rong Fan

Professor; Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Combining single-cell analysis technology and systems biology to study cell-cell communication and cellular heterogeneity in human cancers and the immune system

PEB Students

  • Alev Baysoy

    Biomedical Engineering (Fan Lab)
    Research Interests: My research is focused on elucidating the complex mechanisms of invasive cancers using spatial multi-omics technologies.
  • Archibald Enninful

    Biomedical Engineering (Fan Lab)
    Research Interests: Spatial multiomic analysis of tumor microenvironment
  • Negin Farzad

    Biomedical Engineering (Fan Lab)
    Research Interests: Spatially resolved cellular senescence in human liver and lymphnode
  • Keyi Li

    Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Kluger and Fan Labs)
  • Yao Lu

    Biomedical Engineering (Fan Lab)
    Research Interests: I’m interested in utilizing advanced computational methods to analyze spatial multi-omics data and decode cellular senescence.
  • Jungmin Nam

    Biomedical Engineering (Fan Lab)
    Research Interests: Using spatial omics technology to explore senescence and cancers.