Rohin McIntosh ‘27
Home Department: Physics (Cao Lab)
Research Project: Wavefront Shaping of Light in Scattering Media
My research is focused on the control of wave transport in disordered media for optimal light transmission, focusing, and energy deposition using wavefront shaping. A major area of interest is biological tissue, where optical scattering is the main obstacle limiting many applications including deep-tissue imaging, optogenetics, and photothermal therapy. By shaping the spatial profile of a laser, we have previously demonstrated optimal energy deposition of broadband and monochromatic light as well as transmission of high-contrast patterns through scattering media. My current project is to control both the spectral and spatial degrees of freedom of light to maximize pulse transmission through a scattering medium at a fixed time. Our research, while primarily experimental, is strongly supported by numerical simulations and analytic theory that is developed concurrently.
Relevant Publications:
McIntosh et al. (preprint 2024) “Spectral Width of Maximum Deposition Eigenchannels in Diffusive Media”
McIntosh et al. (2024) “Delivering Broadband Light Deep Inside Diffusive Media”
Shaughnessy et al. (2024) “Multiregion Light Control in Diffusive Media via Wavefront Shaping”