Zachary Sun

Zachary Gao Sun ‘25
Home Department: Physics (Murrell Lab)
Research Project: F-actin architecture governs self-organized criticality in the cytoskeleton
Self-Organized criticality (SOC) is observed across diverse natural phenomena, including earthquakes, avalanches, and landslides. These critical phenomena are often accompanied by cascading dissipative events. During complex behaviors of the cell such as migration and division, the F-actin cytoskeleton undergoes dramatic changes in structure, organization, and dynamics. To explore criticality in the dynamics of the cytoskeleton, we reconstruct an experimental model of the cytoskeleton in vitro, composed of purified protein polymers (F-actin) and motors (myosin II), in which the organization and activity of the proteins are controlled precisely. We find that without regard to organization, the accumulation of stress is slow, but relaxation is dramatic, as marked by high dissipative events.
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Top: Actin overlay pre- (magenta) and post-ablation (cyan, t = 150 s). Yellow dashed lines show ablation regions. Bottom: Actin velocity field quiver plot post ablation (t= 150 s)