Our PEB activities promote and support collaborative and interdisciplinary research, teaching, and networking at all levels.
Click on the header of the activity of interest to find out more.
PEB Discussion Group:
This monthly forum brings together researcher from biological, physical and engineering backgrounds to present their research and discuss current literature. Our focus is on research in progress talks, giving opportunities for graduate students and post-docs to present, along with new center faculty.
Distinguished Speaker Series:
The Institute supports visiting faculty to present their research in biological, physical and engineering sciences and meet with students, post-docs and faculty at Yale. Such events provide a great opportunity for Yale researchers to be exposed to new ideas or approaches and to network with other scientists.
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU):
The REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research Training Across Biology, Physics, and Engineering enables undergraduates (primarily rising juniors and seniors) interested in pursuing a career in the sciences to conduct interdisciplinary research at Yale for a 10-week period during the summer. Our program focuses on research at the intersection of biology, physics, and engineering and serves as a glimpse of what graduate school at a large research institutions is like.
Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology:
Yale’s Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (PEB for short) was established to train a new generation of scientists who are skilled at applying physical and engineering approaches to biological research, and who are also sufficiently sophisticated in their biological training that they can readily identify and tackle cutting-edge problems in the life sciences.
QBio Institute:
Yale’s Quantitative Biology (QBio) Institute, located in the Yale Science Building, focuses on understanding “how biological systems compute, and how the struture, organization and behavior of living systems emerge from such computations.” The QBio is closely linked with the PEB graduate program, including providing space for PEB graduate students who have not yet joined a lab and/or don’t have a dedicated office on Science Hill.
A variety of outreach activities are aimed at engaging with and exciting school children and undergraduates about science. These events are also a great way for our graduate students to practice communicating science to a lay audience.
Seed Grants:
Seed grants are awarded for one year and are intended to enable researchers to make progress in a novel research area, obtain preliminary results and facilitate the application process for external funding.